Look what's new in the chemist
You'd think I wish these were invented three and a half years ago.
When I was in the hospital, all the midwives recommended using cold cabbage leaves to relief the pain, or hot towel to encourage milk flow. Now look what they've got...
SmartChoices Breast Soother. Cooling therapy for engorgement, mastitis and weaning. Warming therapy for blocked milk ducts and to stimulate milk flow. Best thing is it's reusable. Should be, for a good $30 odd for a pair.
This next one kinda funny. And YES YES YES, this sounds really good, hahaha. But hey, no laughing matter when you've got a second degree tear okay?
Designed for expectant and new mothers, it gives immediate cooling relief from discomfort and inflamed haemorrhoids that may be caused by pregnancy and childbirth. It has soft cushioning effect when sitting down and is non-invasive. Reusable with disposable gauze sleeves. Comes in a box of twos.
Don't have this one in our store, so I can't tell you the price.
Why didn't they think of these three and a half years ago? Why Why Why??
Walau! I learned something today. Tenkiu. Anything for the mens anot?
You can give birth meh? If men can, then us women no need to be so 'sanfu'... anyway, you got two helpers, right? Miss 'Palm'er Right and Mrs. 'Palm'er Left? Kekekeke....muuahahaaahahahaa!
i want both!!!!!
haha...looks cool hor? great invention, only a little too late for me.
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