Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Score! makes learning fun

I manage to survive the school years of memorizing formats and formulas. In other words, really dead beat.

Today, many centers have changed the whole idea of learning to not just building a good academic foundation, but making it fun along the way. And this very concept alone has turned the learning world around.

Score! Educational Centers provides children of pre-kinders to high schools with engaging and fun ways to learn, motivating them to achieve academic potential in maths, reading, spelling and writing.

Wilkin's cousin's 6th grader in California has benefitted from this center. Maths has been a struggle for Andrew until last year, where Score!'s math tutors made sure that he truly understood how algebra works with great guidance. Now he gained so much confidence and finds tough questions a challenge. And Wilkin's cousin has never been a happier dad.

*This post is sponsored

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