Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Truth

Chumsy's Mommy's turn. Sorry, a little late, but better late than never. Still got a couple to go! I do first come first serve basis mar :P

*Updated 01/10/07 : The New Parent also tagged me this same one leh. Oo... Hello October!

So, things that people say, who or what that irritates me.

1. Customers who walk in to the store talking on their mobile phones, yet wanting their things done. RUDE.

2. People tailgating me, or my hubby sometimes tailgating other cars. Intimidating and rude.

3. 'Eh, so, when's the next one?' No offence to those who asked. If we had wanted another one, we wouldn't have waited till Aidan is four.

4. Hubby says we are using broadband. Don't feel like it. So slooowwww crawll....

5. Much as I like cheese, me no like Parmesan.

6. Spam mails! Winning lots and lots of lotteries!

7. Hubby pulling most of the doona to himself. Want me to freeze izzit?!

8. Junk mails in my letterbox

So Mott and Janicepa, how about you?


janice said...

hahaha.. wat pissed me eh ??? good.. recently someone is pissing me off..

Anonymous said...

oh........ini ah..

ok..wait ah!