Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What?! No Lemons?

I brought Aidan to my friend's house for barbeque lunch yesterday as it was an extended holiday from Australia Day. Wilkin took the chance to stay home to study, and he said he would do that after doing some grocery shopping. I told him to get me a lemon.

When I got home, I asked him about the lemon, whether he bought it for me, because I couldn't see it anywhere in the kitchen.


None?! Hang on. Are you telling me that there are no lemons in the supermarket?

Can't find them.

Can't find, or too lazy to focus? Surprising? NOT!


Anonymous said...

sabar sabar

sting said...

hahaha. I wonder if he bought anything he likes :-)

Sue said...

Haha..typical men!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised if your hubby didn't find the lemon. Perhaps he is watching some melons! Wonderful label you got down there. wakakaka

jazzmint said...

haha..pure lazy forgot to find :P

janice said...

tak pe lah .. laki memang cam tu lah ... so u suruh dia makan lemon lah .. malam ni ..

Annie Q said...

hahahahaha..man ma..
mine will not said None, he will said FORGOT!

Anonymous said...

but lemons r so ex leh!

u want ah? i go look for u...my house, at the back got lemon tree....think a couple of them r FINALLY turning YELLOW!

JK said...

Lesson learnt: Laziness can lead to excuses.

Anonymous said...

Aiyoh..!! men like dat like.. !! patience.. ya. :)

Sweetpea said...

peng - sure sabar. i want to live longer... omm.. ommmm...

sting - he is a typical man, he buys the same thing every week :P

sue - hmm.. wat's new? hahaha!

yinsi - let him watch lar, all the melons here either heading south or fakes. err.... label down where arr?? kakakkaa!

jazzmint - if it was his car hor, small scratch also he can find!

janice - sure do! lemon and banana skin!

annie - that is smarter :P

mott - i don't mind free ones! thanks! :)

jo-n - GREAT excuse at that!

mamabok - yalor. what else can i do then? haaiiizzz....