Friday, March 28, 2008

Am I tired yet? A little

After two years of blogging, (and chasing after paid posts) I think I finally had enough of the latter.

Don't get me wrong, I love romancing the pc and keyboard, but it had come to a point that I think I am spending waaayyy too much time in front of it. There was a time when the paid posts were at its height, I would switch my computer on first thing in the morning and try to go through it as much as I can in the noons before I get to work, and after midnight till whenever.

Then, POOFFF! Gone was my hard-earned PR. Needless to say, opps are rare, to put it mildly. So rare, that I hardly log on to them anymore to grab any chances. And since I hardly logged on, some other bosses 'thought' I am inactive and kinda stopped giving me assignments. Another one we have to log on to bid. Naaahh.... not worth my time anymore.

So, I stick to one boss now. That is penganjur hawa dingin I. Hahahaha. No, I still don't make enough to pay the monthly instalments, but at least I am getting a fixed stream of opps from it without me wasting time on searching others. For the first time in months, if you noticed, I have relaxed on my postings, and not trying to make up so many interim posts. And for the first time in months, I can go out somewhere and enjoy my time, without this evil pc at the back of my mind.

Today, I brought Aidan to a friend's house to play with her two sons and we just yakked. It is a great feeling of not getting tied down to a screen! Having said that, I am now off to play a little of Text Twirl and perhaps blog-hop a bit. Hey! That's just the night owl in me!


Anonymous said...

i also have time to do my fav...reading books. :)

CL said...

same with me, I hardly do any paid post nowsaday. Dont even care how low my PR has dropped.

eastcoastlife said...

I find that doing paid posts is kachang putih money. Waste of time.

sting said...

you are right.. if we blog because we want to, it'll be more fun and not feel like "work" :-)

Sweetpea said...

miche - hhmm... i may have to start that again one day :)

malaika's mummy - haha, i don't think we can go any lower than 0 now.

ECL - aiiks, at least still have that money to buy kacang putih leh :P as long as it doesn't take over US! which it did, for a while.

sting - yeah, i don't have to log on just becoz i need to, but only when i want to :)

MamaJo said...

Even tho I don't go for PPP, but, I still spend lot of time on the, I told myself, back home, no no no to pc.....ha,ha...

IMMomsDaughter said...

Yep, I can relate. Those were the days but now I'd rather have the opps sent to me and take my time to write. Most important of all, I can sleep when my kids sleep. U knowlah, age catching up, must have enough beauty sleep. Heh heh.