Sorry for not replying to some of your comments recently. You can be rest assured that I read each and everyone of it.
Now you may be thinking, I have the time to post, but no time to reply? It is difficult for me to explain. I appreciate all comments and of course, please do keep them coming, but I have more to tell than to going back to every post and start marking them like a teacher does to her students :) Having said that, I will try my best to reply to all comments. but not on a daily basis now.
I won't be blogging, or even come near the pc for sometime next week. For health and monitoring reasons, I am required to do so. When I am given the all clear, I will definitely tell you what happened. If not, I will still tell you, heh. Anyway, when it comes to the time I that I need that break, I'll let you know.
You are expecting huh??? He, hope my guessing is 100% bingo..take care ya....I will drop by as usual, and no need to reply cause I love to read your blog :P
mamajo - neh! more of my personal health reason. reaching 40 ain't all fun :P
Nah.. no worries..!
oh..i tot got good news wan to announce?? heheheheh
mamabok - thanks for understanding
annie - nope. not THAT good news :P
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