Sunday, July 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Hannah!

It was Hannah's birthday on Saturday and Ching wanted to cook, but Hannah wanted to eat Italian, so Wilkin suggested Sofia at Burwood and we had a feast! There were fettucine carbonara, and a pasta ala Sofia, and a veal dish, fried calamari and smoked salmon pizza. The dishes were HUGE and with 6 adults, 3 kids and 2 toddlers, we had it to our throat.

I made the sugar syrup for 'tong yuen' and of course, the tong yuen I bought from the grocery store, for dessert back at Ching's place. Everyone loved it, as we hardly ate any since we all came here to Australia. Bleep, when I said everyone, I meant all the adults, except for Ching's sister, and the kids.

Aidan didn't eat much that night, and I was a little worried. When we got back to Ching's place, Jess wanted to turn on the oven to heat up one tiny measly bun. So I said no need, can just warm it up in the microwave. I think she must have programmed a couple of minutes, I don't know, but two to three minutes later I saw smoke coming out from the microwave. What else! I panicked and quickly turned it off. Upon opening the door, whoa! Smoke was billowing and it smelt of burnt charcoal!! And the bun, well, partly burnt and so rock hard you can injure anyone by throwing at them.

And so at last, we still have to do it the proper way, and heat up one measly tiny bun in the oven. Sorry Jess, the house must have reeked of burnt charcoal for the next couple of days.

Thing is, Aidan stil didn't eat it. Sigh.. I resolved to just boiling an egg for him.

The night was relaxing and fun, and with all the food we had, cake and dessert and all, bburrrpp.

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