Aidan's first swim lesson
I'll have you know that my energy level was maxed out by the time we left the pool two hours later.
Aidan was all excited when I told him we are going swimming. I was a little worried if he might want me in the pool with him during his lesson. There was only four of them, all boys, in one lane. A good, small class. His instructor Megan, couldn't get him listening to what she had to say as he was too excited to pay attention. I told her that was ok, hopefully he'll get better in time.
Not bad for a first day, he didn't need me there, but did try to run off a couple of times to the play pool on the other side of the building. So I still have to keep watch for a while. When lesson finished after half an hour, we had a swim with his little friends Joshua and Justin. The wave pool was in operation, and guess what, he just wanted to go in deeper and deeper. I had to pull him back, carried him up with each and every wave that came our way. It was a very tiring job!
Initially I was thinking he will have a good nap this afternoon as he was jumping non-stop. Now I think I may have to change it to, I will have a good nap instead. He's now watching Heffalump Halloween movie. Hafta drag him into bed after he finishes.
hi.. ur boy is a big boy now.. whn are u goin to chase for the 2nd ??
hihi.. so kaypoh hor..
Thanks for dropping by my site... I would love to start 2yr old Clayton for swimming lessons but haven't find the right place. Nice knowing you.
i don't see a little brother or sister for aidan, selfish i know. hubby is STILL not ready for it, and when he does, who knows when, i won't want one then. i can't imagine myself chasing after a little kid in my 40s. we're happy with just aidan.
disappointed that i can't read your blog though...
doris - you might like to enjoy just dipping and running around the pool with clayton. personally, i wasn't worried about classes when aidan was at that age. but my boy now sees water like he sees a pot of lollies, and that's why i enrolled him in one. more for survival skill.
I know what you mean - call me paranoid but I can't take him to public pools in M'sia and we don't belong to any club :(
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