Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm slugged

Guess what time I went to sleep last night? 10 bloomin' 30 pm!! After sleeping late for the past couple of weeks, I think Mr. Snooze has caught up with me finally.

I woke up at 1am to take Aidan for a wee, only to think, gee... I could have been on the net and still two hours to go. This night possum finally got a virtual Stilnox dose from Mr. Snooze. He missed me too much.

Had only about six hours' sleep and Aidan came into the room yesterday morning to 'toot toot' on my nose with his finger, his way of waking me up. Then I had to fill in at work for 3 hours. Nothing to complain I know, but today instead of working night, I had to work day. You'd think from 10.30pm till 8.00 this morning I would be fresh again. For the first half of the day it was okay, but approaching evening, I grew tired and sleepy again. Like now. No inspiration.

But I guess I have to reset my time for certain days now that school has started. Aidan will be going to pre-school and no more sleeping-ins for us, well, for 3 days a week only, lucky us. Yyaawwwnnn.... Mr. Snooze calling, 'Come, come to bed. Beauty is waiting for you too.' Celakak! I forgot about that. I can forget about ol' Snooze but I definitely need Beauty......


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