Saturday, April 21, 2007

PayPerPost Acquisition

PayPerPost has made an acquisition and will be announcing the company to us posties next week.

I have never been able to get higher paid opportunities either due to my PageRank or I am just too slow to grab one. With this new acquisition I hope it is another company that has something to do with getting more advertisers and giving our blogs even more chances to spread the words.

But whatever it is, I do think PayPerPost has great news to share with us and as one of the company that has most posties, if not the top, it can only mean one thing. A win-win situation. It has to be something that is of most beneficial to PayPerPost and certainly, most beneficial to us. That said, their competitors will find it even harder to obtain assignments for us. Wow! will it be then PayPerPost will have the biggest share in this pie?

Although I don't blog fulltime, the money from PayPerPost has been a delightful bonus for me. I do urge anyone who is not doing it already to sign up. And by saying this, I am certain that whatever they announce next week, it won't be bad news.

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