Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tomato Juice

My little man thinks that all fruit juices that comes in a tetrapack or bottle is nice and sweet.

We have a variety of them in the fridge, usually finished by father and son. But there is one that Wilkin will not drink, and that's the tomato juice. I have no problem with finding this in the fridge everytime.

Aidan brought this last bottle out, and said 'Open it, open it, open it.' I knew he wasn't going to like it, and knew what his reaction was going to be. So I had the camera ready. I opened it, took a gulp and went Aaahhhh.......... nice. And gave him the bottle.

He took a sip, took in the flavour, and his verdict?



Mmuuaaahhahahahahhhaaaa!!! Tomato juice all for me, myself and I!

Sorry for the blurry image as I couldn't keep my hands still. I was laughing :)


jazzmint said...

haha..kena cheated by mommy LOL

Anonymous said...



Sweetpea said...

jazzmint - see if he dare take everything from the fridge some more or not :P

mott - yeah, i knew his expression was going to be like this and worse, he will spffttzz it out and scratch his tongue with his fingers, all the while wearing this disgusted look. hahahhaaha!

Annie Q said...

muahahahahahahaha..ur son so funny & handsome la!!! Cant wait to see him soon..;)