Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

If you are wondering how KFC manage to supply to the whole of USA, take a look at the video. Doesn't hurt with Pammy for PETA explaining it either. But warning, it contains scenes which may be stomach-churning for some, so, be prepared.

Watch more videos at

And if you are all game to sign the petition, click here.


NomadicMom said...

Wei? Why cannot view one leh?

Sweetpea said...

sure not? i can wan! let me check.

Anonymous said...

Scary eh.. :(

janice said...

i will stop eating KFC
but.. it's just happen in the USA only rite ??

not malaisia rite ??

Sweetpea said...

mamabok - ya, but donno how it's done here in aust. poor chooks

janice - donno about malaysia. you wonder how they halal the whole lot??

Anonymous said...

Lucky I rarely eat KFC...but so terrible man..they stomped on the chickens...jeez...