Friday, February 29, 2008

The Domino Tag

Tagging season starts again after the long holiday. Jacelyn has given me my second tag. First tag yet to work on, but soon :)

Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like.)

Thea is {}, Childstar, Mike, My Scrappy side, AbieAggie, Alpha, Apple, Apols, Jacqui. Jane, Jody, Joy,Kelly, Mich, Peachy, Jenny, Nyumix, Rose, Agnes, Hazel, Lovelymummy, Chinnee (, Lemonjude, Slavemom, MummyInVain, Bubba Stuff

Not tagging. I takut the mummy bloggers may clobber me because after not hopping for so long, now I hop and straight away I give them 'saman' :P

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