Headache, headache. Pregnant??
No, not really headache lar. Not some early pregnancy signs definitely. Phew! Just that I've run out of idea what to cook tomorrow.
Men. Where will they be without women? No need to do laundry, housework, cook, be a taxi driver to son, and also got some wives, like me, who work and still have to juggle the same amount of tasks. Eh, got a better life to ask for arr?? If I were to really have those frequent headaches he will have to get takeaways for some time to come.
Hubby said don't want to eat carbs a lot at night. Takut fat. Okay lor, tonight he ate lamb chop and veggie, where as myself and Aidan had creamy spaghetti alfredo. After finishing his food hor, he asked, The pasta in the kitchen, can eat one arr?
Can...... Looks like he is the one having pregnancy symptoms.
Kekekekekeeeeee...... Quite opposite my cravings. I didn't like spaghetti then!!
1 comment:
When comes to cooking in foreign country.. it is really headache.. Choices are limited.. and thus the dish..lol
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