Monday, March 20, 2006

Ardrie Park & Dairy Bell

Drat! I always forget to bring the camera.

Today we were at Ardrie Park with other mums and bubs. He had all the fun running around, eathing banana and prawn cracker chips. One of the mum has 2 boys. She couldn't find the younger one, Jack-Lucas and I said, he's at the the 'playpen' squatting down. Then his older brother, Christopher, tried walking near him and he yelled out something which I couldn't really understand, but something with 'Ga, ga!' while shooing his sibling away.

His mother with us heard it too and went 'Oh dear, I think he's doing his poo.' She explained that he likes doing it in his diapers squatting down. Tried all sorts of ways toilet traning him but nothing successful yet. I thought the scene then was so funny and cute, squatting and shooing and shouting, as if to say, 'Get away from my toilet!' and having done that, all other kids, including Aidan after hearing the 'commotion', ended up inside the pen with him! And Betty said, 'Sorry mums but all kids will be smelling Jack-Lucas' poo' and smiled sheepishly.

After all this, only 2 mums and their daughters joined me at Dairy Bell, where they have the best ice-cream. YUM! I had pancake with cream and pecan nut ice-cream for lunch! Aidan and the other kids each had a chocolate kid's sundae which was made up in a cup to look like a little mousy. I know, I will bring the camera next time.

Guess what? The colleague I thought to be laid off wasn't laid off, but given the roster once every two Sundays. I thought, not my problem, am not working with her. But then it hit me why was she working with me on last Friday and I asked her where her sister is. See, I usually work with Kerrie, and this colleauge, AJ, said Kerrie said she has her day job anyway and AJ can have her shift, which is every Friday night with me! Until the boss notices it anyway.

So God help me! Am working with 2 lazy partners, well the pharmacist isn't very quick either and when it gets very busy, she sort of loses her patience.


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