Sunday, March 19, 2006

Stefanie Banh

This is the daughter of Rita and Steven, Wilkin's friend. She was born on Thursday 16th March at exactly 2.47pm, where there was a few pictures taken in the theatre itself, with an angle where the clock is showing the time. The hospital provided this facility. Cool, eh? Private marr!

Stefanie weighs 2.72k and eyes looks like mum, but when she cries, looks like dad. Rita had a caesarian done as baby was in breech position. There were 9 staff including 2 doctors in the theatre to perform this birth. Steven was curious to see what was on the 'other' side and took a peek. Just then he saw Rita's stomach being stretched wide (although the incision is only very small, amazing huh) and he turned blue. The nurse saw it and instructed him to go out from the theatre and sit on the floor! In case he faints! SO FUNNY! Hahahahaha!

Congrats to Rita and Steven!

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