Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tagged.... yet again. So loved, so siok.

I've been tagged yet again, this time by Immomsdaughter. I am relatively new to the bloggers' world, although my blog is already one year old. Not that I am sombong, just that I didn't know there are thousands of you out there! Started off with my niece introducing me to a blog I got kinda addicted to, then I thought, eh, nice to start my own one, then family and friends in Malaysia can be updated daily. And then only last November or so, my good friend, who is not a blogger, told me about Samm's funny 'sweary' site, and the rest is history.

And so arrr, I actually do not know many bloggers. I do bloghop, and I do have a few which I really like reading. Here goes my 5 fave blogs in no particular order:

5xMom - no need intro, right?
Just My Lil' Organic Life - the first Malaysian blog I read, I am faithful weh!
Motts Muttering - very farny woman, remember to tell me when you'll be here in Melb.
IMmomsdaughter - manyak frenly lady, love her rants.
Shopping Mum - Another Ipoh mali, I feel closer to home leh.

No tagging lor, can? So can anyone as to be kind enough to link link this new blogger in leh, ppwweeassee? Thank you ar. I linked some leh.


Michelle said...

how does this meme works?

Sweetpea said...

sorry, i failed to mention the title of it. my 5 favourite malaysian blogs. and then tag another 5, which i didn't. but i want all to know there are lots of good blogs to read, and it doesn't mean others are not my faves!!

Anonymous said...

wee hee hee..I already linked you hee hee..btw, may i hv ur email?

Sweetpea said...

i left my email in your comment box leh... :P

Samm said...

yohhh.... y sardenly i become queen of cussology????

Sweetpea said...

hehe, not the bad ones, coz u sound damn CUTE!