Tagged.... yet again. So loved, so siok.
I've been tagged yet again, this time by Immomsdaughter. I am relatively new to the bloggers' world, although my blog is already one year old. Not that I am sombong, just that I didn't know there are thousands of you out there! Started off with my niece introducing me to a blog I got kinda addicted to, then I thought, eh, nice to start my own one, then family and friends in Malaysia can be updated daily. And then only last November or so, my good friend, who is not a blogger, told me about Samm's funny 'sweary' site, and the rest is history.
And so arrr, I actually do not know many bloggers. I do bloghop, and I do have a few which I really like reading. Here goes my 5 fave blogs in no particular order:
5xMom - no need intro, right?
Just My Lil' Organic Life - the first Malaysian blog I read, I am faithful weh!
Motts Muttering - very farny woman, remember to tell me when you'll be here in Melb.
IMmomsdaughter - manyak frenly lady, love her rants.
Shopping Mum - Another Ipoh mali, I feel closer to home leh.
No tagging lor, can? So can anyone as to be kind enough to link link this new blogger in leh, ppwweeassee? Thank you ar. I linked some leh.
how does this meme works?
sorry, i failed to mention the title of it. my 5 favourite malaysian blogs. and then tag another 5, which i didn't. but i want all to know there are lots of good blogs to read, and it doesn't mean others are not my faves!!
wee hee hee..I already linked you hee hee..btw, may i hv ur email?
i left my email in your comment box leh... :P
yohhh.... y sardenly i become queen of cussology????
hehe, not the bad ones, coz u sound damn CUTE!
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