Thursday, February 08, 2007

My new blinds

Just in time for CNY. I am quite surprised to find that it's easily fixed, all done in a matter of minutes. But then again, they are the pros, right? And at last, I get to get rid of those hideous white curtains (which was already here when we moved in!) and the roller blinds that kept rolling up suddenly, scaring the s$%! out of me, if it was 1am or so.

Still, I think a softer touch will be nicer, and I am going shopping for some nice tab top curtains now.. muaahahaa... As for the rooms, I had curtains for them, so I need to fix up the brackets again. And I panggil I punya suami kat opis. Suruh dia bawak balik lektrik skrudreber (ish! tau ker dia baca apa I translate kut) senang I buat kerja kan? Apa dia jawab? Hari ini saya naik keretapi, taknak bawak dua beg lah! Aparah??!! Barang lektrik tu, beg kecik saja tau. Laki main 'jim' manyak songeh.

Takpe, takpe. Sabar I. I guna tanganlah. Baru habis skru, sekarang tangan I tengah trembel (hehe, sori, ni i lupa). Tak makan lunch lagi. Laki busuk! Ingat dia tak tolong I tak boleh habis projek I! Huuh! Tapi buat I geram jugak, eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Dia boleh EYT malam ni.

*Update - Adapun dia bawak balik lektrik skrudreber! Heehehe, tapi I buat merajuk. Amende, sudah habis projek pun.


IMMomsDaughter said...

Ha ha ha you write macam itu becoz hubby don't understand is it? Lol.

Sweetpea said...

alar kawan, u komen macam tu, bocor kuali ler..

Anonymous said...

aiks! so nice ur blinds! hahaha..ghostly roller blinds..I had that too, when I rented once.

Yea..go get curtains also...hee hee!!!

Anonymous said...

wahhh akhirnya dapat blinds kamu juga... bahagiannya....
cantik :D
apa eyt ah?

Sweetpea said...

mott - i will! i will! don't u fret!

ky - ya. at last something new. now have to think of another new thing to change in the house. kakaka! EYT - 'seik jee gay'!

WAHM said...

Sweetpeamy, not confusing lah - u read carefully, then look at how I did it.. that's all. Just copy the *instructions* onwards and paste, just don't forget to add new ones and don't forget to include me in the original post lor.

Anonymous said...

wah, you changed the blinds yourself alr? ask hubby sayang u back...

Anonymous said...

btw, i've tagged u, do check on my blog. take time to do the task...ok :)

Sweetpea said...

well, i didn't change the blinds myself per se, but i did organize everything and screw on the brackets to put the curtains up. laki arr.. tunggu ler. kakaka, i never 'teh' him one lar.