SAZ Healing Cream
Aidan hasn't got an eczema flare-up for a while now, especially after I've stopped him from his swim classes. I know, sad. He loves water. But only temporarily. We'll try again after this winter.
An ex-colleague and friend of mine called Sandra has always had her own beauty shop selling branded skin care and also is a make-up artist for brides and interestingly, drag queens. Recently she started her own range of products, all natural, and sent me some samples. One being a Healing Cream for skin problems, as she knew about Aidan's condition.
I haven't been able to try that until last week, when Aidan's got a flare-up again. I admit I have been lazy and bad. It started with small patches, here and there, and I was hoping it will just go away. It didn't, and instead spreaded to the whole of the back of his legs. I used the Healing Cream once after Aidan's bath, and then another time two nights later, because I was at work the night in between and didn't instruct Wilkin to do so. Only two applications. All gone! It was just amazing! If you are interested in knowing the ingredients, go to her site SAZ Just Makeup and click under SAZ Products under 'Skincare' and look for Healing Cream.
I am telling you, personally tried and tested, best product I have ever used. Forget MediHoney, Calendula Plus, and best of all, ditch the cortisone creams!
Good things must share right? :)
Should let Vien know about it.. :) Cassie has some eczema too.
Hmm....Must get one for my mom. She's got a small eczema patch on her hand.
*pops over to the site*
I just came back from that site. Can't tell if she ships international. Anyway you could find out from your friend? Also, is it safe for infant?
Oh do they ship to Singapore? Ryan has eczema problem too :(
Hahaha.. love the craving pic! :P
Speaking of which I also need to check out Saz. Ryan also has the tendency to have eczema breakout every now and then.. :(
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