Saturday, July 05, 2008

Father and son pakat...

Wants me to catch a cold kut.

At first it was hubby. He is a 'curler'. I would always find the doona tightly curled around him when I hop into bed, so I would have to 'uncurl' it and in the process, waking him up, grumpy as ever. Then I would have this corner of the doona just covering my side. Just enough lar. For a few times a night, I would have to pull the corner back to its position because I would realize I was cold, as he has pulled the doona towards him, and only half covering me. We would unwittingly exchange grumps or funny noises in the middle of our sleeps.

Now that Aidan has been kicking his dad out of the bed in the wee hours of the morning, claiming his place beside me (while Daddy has to exchange bed if it isn't time to get ready for work yet), he is doing the same! Whenever he turns to his left he would pull the doona along, although unconsciously. Either that, or he will have his right leg resting on my left thigh.

Or worse, having both his cold feet, after doing his morning pee barefoot, stuck right in between my thighs. Orgasmic, not. Call it rude awakening. He knew where he could get instant warmth.

The joys of being a wife and mum.


Anonymous said...

when dotter was younger, slept with me. she is a 360'-ter. pusing pusing on the bed. every night i kena kungfu on the head from her feet. left right also can kick. that's why now take up taekwondo.....

Anonymous said...

LOL...btw what is a doona? comforter isit? as for us, we have our own selimut...never share share one. =)

goolypop said...

wuah.. my heart pikpok pikpok thought got wat orgasmic story.. Ahcheh.. rupa rupanya cold feet je .. :P

Mommy to Chumsy said...

you can get yourself another doona :)